Registration is closed for this event
Congratulations on being chosen to be a performer at our showcase! You must pay the $90 fee to reserve your table and performance slot by or before August 19th. You will also have an option to pay for lunch or you can bring your own. We have a waiting list so please pay promptly or we will open remaining slots to other performers. Looking forward to working with you.

Event: Friday, September 27, 2024

Refreshments provided by Court Street Coffee Shop and registration begin at 8:30 a.m

Event is 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m

$90 Showcase Table and Performance fee

Box lunches are available for $15 each and can be ordered while registering for the showcase.  They will be prepared by Pecantown Books and Brews.




September 27th, 2024 from  8:30 AM to  4:00 PM
313 West Nolte Street
Seguin, TX 78155
Show large map
Phone: 512-583-0708
Event Fee(s)
Showcase Table and Performers Fee $90.00
Showcase Table and Performers Fee w/Lunch (Chicken Salad Sandwich) $105.00
Showcase Table and Performers Fee w/Lunch (Smoked Chicken Salad) $105.00
Showcase Table and Performers Fee w/Lunch (Caprese Sandwich Vegetarian) $105.00
Lunch (Chicken Salad Sandwich) $15.00
Lunch (Smoked Chicken Salad) $15.00
Lunch (Caprese Sandwich Vegetarian) $15.00